Manage Rent Ref

Now that you are registered in various PTC sites, the next thing to do is to RENT Referrals that are available in each site.  Once you have rented referrals, you will realize that renting is not simple as that hence there are so many factors why you are not still earning in spite of having hundreds of Rent Referrals.  Here are sample of problems (with solutions indicated) that normally arise in Renting Referrals:
WHY (RR) RENTED REFERRALS’ AVERAGE ARE LOW? – Any average above your BEP is a profitable average, possible causes of low averages are:
  1. Not clicking daily according to server time – observe carefully your server time, you may refer to this thread ( to understand clearly your server time and strictly follow it to maximize profit.
  2. RR clicking days are getting farther apart – this could be an indication of clicking activity is slowing so, make sure you click your ads daily and without fail.
  3. Recycling too many RR with more than 4~5% each day- closely monitor RR clicking activities or patterns. – recycle unprofitable RR, you must focus on older RR because you have more data to judge them.
  4. Recycling too many 0 clickers – you should not recycle 0 clickers because you haveNO data to judge them.
  5. RR’s are clicking less than your current BEP -too much static recycling change and adapt your current recycling policy to current account condition, if the current recycling is not working you must change the way you select the referrals to () recycle.  Read Admin’s post about over-recycling.
  6. Insufficient data to study referrals when recycling (at least 3 weeks or more the better) - use the export list to gather more data.
  7. Recycling RR close to being auto-recycling (7 or more days of inactivity) - let theauto-recycle system take care of them for free.
  8. Renewing too many RR at 15 days or 30 days – renew for longer days to lower the BEP average and risks
  9. Too low number of rented referrals (higher chances of average fluctuations) – Increase the number of RR to meet your budget/goal.
  10. Too many RR clicking unprofitably at regular bases – locate and find RR that are clicking unprofitably to monitor or recycle.
  11. Not recycling enough – Many times older RR’s activity slows down to a unprofitable level while the averages are still high identify those refs who are now for example: only making 2 or 3 clicks every 7 days etc. to be monitored or recycled.


  1. White – it is the color tag you give when the RR is new, zero clicks or not yet clicking.  RR for observation wether for recycling or renewing after auto-recycling period of 14 days from the date RR was rented.
  2. Orange – I personally put this orange color tag to RR whose average is .6 and below.  Need for recycling.
  3. Yellow – this is a color tag for RR older than 3 weeks with an average of .7 or .8 and below which needs recycling.
  4. Green – this is RR which is clicking at least 5 days out of 10 days.
  5. Red – It is a kind of RR that everyone wants, the RR clicking constantly and have an average of 1 and above.
1. Click all your ad’s everyday according to server time.
2. Renewal – always maintain enough budget for recycling and renewal cost.  When you first rent referrals it is only for 30 days, you must decide again before the 30 days is up how much longer to renew them before they expire. There is a fee if you let them expire.
Standard members: $0.02 Golden members: $0.04.
If you manually renew rented referrals longer than 60 days you don’t need to have AutoPay ON. Or use AutoPay to help spread out the cost of renewals. Even though it is more costs up front renew rented referrals for longer periods like 90/150/240 days it gives you the better discounts, lowering the averages required and increase profit margin.
3. Find out your break even average.
For standard member with 1~250 rented referrals the break even average renewing:
15 days = 1.467
30 days = 1.400
60 days = 1.333
90 days = 1.200
150 days = 1.107
240 days = 1.025
For standard member with 251~300 rented referrals the break even average renewing.  If your break even average is (28 / 20 = 1.4) 1.4 for example, with 20 rented referrals you will need an average of 28 clicks every day to break even.  See examples below;
15 days = 1.600
30 days = 1.467
60 days = 1.367
90 days = 1.267
150 days = 1.147
240 days = 1.075
4. Recycling If your rented referral has no clicks for over 7 days let the auto-recycle
exchange them for free or else recycle them before that. Wait at least 5 days before you
judge a rented referral. The more data you have the easier for you to decide if the RR is
clicking in a profitable way for you.  As a suggestion concentrate on older referrals
because you have more data to judge them correctly.  Not recycling regularly is
    good either keeping a non clickers over 7~14 days just before the free 14 day exchange  
    costs you more money to keep the refs.
5. Get some direct referrals.  You can only have direct referrals after being a member for
at least 15 days and having at least 100 clicks.
Any attempts to get them before that you will lose them!
6. Stay updated. Keep an eye out from the Latest news for discounts, specials, and new
features by admin. Learn to use the tools, features and graphics.
7. Help and support – 99% of the questions can be found by reading the: * FAQ , Help      page, Search ,T.O.S. If you can’t find them and still have questions just post a new topic in the proper sections of the forum or live support when available or email support.
  1. The key is to frequently recycle referrals that are not clicking, and to make sure that you maintain a sufficiently high rental balance to keep on recycling as soon as you need to.  Every time one of these referrals goes 2 days without clicking any ads, recycle them on the 3rd day. 
  2. Keep clicking your own ads, and letting the money from your referrals build up until you have another $2.00, then repeat the process.  Remember, each time that you buy referrals you will have more people making money for you, and the amount of time until you have enough to rent more referrals will keep getting smaller, and pretty soon you will be able to rent more than 3 at a time.
  3. Keep on doing this until you have 1000 referrals. Now stop buying new referrals, and just maintain the ones you have.
  4. Once you have $100 transfer it to your rental balance and upgrade to the golden membership for one year. This costs $90, but it doubles the amount you make per click and per referral click, so you will gain it back in no time.
  5. It may be tempting to jump the gun and upgrade before you have 1000 referrals, but you shouldn’t because gold members have a separate pool of rented referrals, and there is much more competition to rent them, so referrals to rent can be very scarce. This is why you need the strong base of 1000 referrals going into golden membership. Once you have the golden membership, you can either keep building up referrals and trying to increase your earnings, or you can just maintain the ones you already have and still have a nice monthly income of a few hundred bucks.
  6. Good Luck!!

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